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Become A Volunteer

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Puppies spend the first year of their life with carefully selected volunteers who socialize and care for dogs to spend a happy and carefree childhood. During this time, a solid background is created for their future education as guide dogs or any other type of help dog. In the first year of their life, it is especially important for young dogs to be exposed to as many different experiences as possible, to get used to different types of people, children and animals, as well as to experience busy shops, train stations and noisy cities.

Liberty Guide Dogs systematically monitors the development of puppies at this stage of their lives. All foster families have scheduled frequent meetings with our instructors. At the age of 14 months, and after being deemed suitable, our dogs return to the Liberty Guide Dogs training center and start their training.

Become a Puppy Walker

Become a Puppy Walker

We all work together with a positive mood, uniting our strengths and combining our skills and knowledge to achieve our goals. We all together can do more and that is one of the most important elements of our vision.

Host one of our dogs for a Weekend

Host one of our dogs for a Weekend

Help us by hosting one of our dogs in case of an emergency or in case one of our puppy walkers becomes unavailable.

Help us at an event

Help us at an event

Help us anyway you can to organize our events; you could give us your professional opinion or help us set the event. Every form of help is welcome.


    Any Queries? Give Us a Call At +30 694 7617026

    We are always here to help you.